Disk Management In Operating System

 Disk Management  Disk is a secondary storage device that is used to store data.  The external devices such as hard disk, magnetic disks and floppy disks stores data in the sectors.  These devices provide the data to user programs by means of I/O requests.  Disk Management is an important function of operating system and includes disk buffering and management of swap area and disk cache.  Disk Structure  Disks provide a means to store a large amount of information for modern computer.  A disk is usually divided into tracks, cylinder and sectors.  Below fig shows the various components of a disk system.  Data is stored on a series of magnetic disks called platters. These disks are connected by a common spindle that spins at very high speed (some spindle rotate at speeds of 3600 revolutions per minute).  The two surfaces of a platter are covered with a magnetic material similar to that on a magnetic tape. Information is recorded mag...

Inserting Files in Linux Operating System

 Linux Operating System 

Inserting Files : 

Let us assume that two people have worked on a project. To cut down on time they have split up writing the report. To combine the finished reports together, they can use the facility provided by 'vi' to insert files into the currently open the document. This can be done by opening the file that contains the first part of the report and positioning the cursor at the end of the report file. After this is done, the 'vi' mode has to be switched to command mode by pressing the 'esc' key. 

1. Create a file as first report and insert lines as shown below, save it by pressing wq at the command prompt. 

[user1 @linux-mac user1]$cat>>first_report 

line1 of report 1

line2 of report 1

line3 of report 1

2. Create a file as second report and insert lines as shown below, save it by pressing by wq at the command prompt. 

[user1 @linux-mac user1]$cat>>second_report

This is the second report 

Line1 of report2 

Line2 of report2 

Line3 of report2 

           Second part of the report 

3. Issue the command r second_report at the command report as shown below : 

This is the first report 

Line1 of report2 

Line2 of report2 

Line3 of report2 

:second report 

The first part of the report with the read file command 

This is the first report 

Line1 of report1 

Line2 of report1 

Line3 of report1 

This is the second report 

Line1 of report2 

Line2 of report2 

Line3 of report2 

            The combined report 

At the last line the command ':r second_report has to be issued where 'r'
Stands for read and the next item to be keyed in is the name of the file to be read in. 

Commands For Pattern Searching 

Searching for a pattern or a word is one of the most important features of any editor. 'vi' is no exception 'vi' has the ability to search forward as well as backward. To begin searching, we need to first switch to command mode by pressing the 'Esc' key. Now we can use the '/' key followed by the string to be searched for. Using the '/' character does the search from current position to the end of the document. A string in the document can also be searched from the current position to the top of the document by using the '?' character. 

List of Searching Commands 

Command                                 Purpose 

/g :     search for a pattern 'g' forward 

?g :     search for pattern 'g' backwards 

/ :      repeat the last search forward 

? :     repeat the last search backward 

The search can be repeated by using the '/' character or the '?' character to specify the direction of the search. 

String Substitution Commands : 

Searching and replacing a specified string can be considered to be an extension of the string searching feature available with the 'vi' editor. The general format of the search and substitute is ':s/<string to be searched>/< string to be replaced with >/'. This command can be used to change the first occurrence of the first string in the current line 

4. Create a file called story having the following text 
And to, the land beyond the mountain was so beautiful. Robert did not have to think twice about banging up his traveling boots first the carved out his territory by clearing the woods and planting corn, the 

5. Open the file story in the vi editor 

6. Issue the command :/Robert/Ralph/

And to, the land beyond the mountain was so beautiful and bountiful 

Robert did not have to think twice about banging up his traveling boots 

First the carved out his territory by clearing woods and planting corn, the 




Figure : string substitution command given 

And to, the land beyond the mountain was so beautiful and bountiful 

Ralph did not have to think twice about banging up his traveling boots 

First the carved out his territory by clearing the woods and planting corn, the 






Figure : string substitution done 

The search command can be extended to do a 'search and replace' on all occurrences of the string through out the document. 

The command to be executed is ':g/Robert/s/ /Ralph/'

The above command means that 'vi' must globally search for 'Robert' and replace all such occurrences with 'ralph' We find that this command is useful, but if only certain occurrence of the string the need to be changed, then it becomes problematic. 'vi' offers a way in which user interaction can take place and the user can decide to replace the strings. 

The command to be given is ':g/Robert/s/ /Ralph/c'. 

This means that globally [g] search for 'Robert' and replaced [s] each occurrence with 'Ralph' only after confirmation [c] from the user. 


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