Q. 1. What are the various Goals of Reference Model?
Ans :- The various principles of OSI layers
(1) To provide the standard for communication.
(2) To define points of interconnection for the exchange of the information between systems.
(3) To increase the ability of communication.
(4) To remove the technical hindrance between systems.
Q. 2. Which layer is responsible for activating the circuit between the two end systems?
Ans :- Physical layer is responsible for activating maintaining, deactivating a physical circuit between the two end systems. It specifies the mechanical and electrical characteristics of interfaces and the connections composes the network.
Q. 3. What are the various items which are addressed at the physical layer?
Ans :- (1). Network connection type
(2). Physical topology
(3). Analog and digital signalling
(4). Bit synchronization
(5). Baseband and broadband Transmission
(6). Multiplexing
(7). Termination
Q. 4. What are the major function performed at Data link layer?
Ans :- The major function of Data link layer is splitting the data packet into the frames which one transmitted by the sender. Acknowledgements are transmitted by the receiver for data frames error detection and correction are performed at this layer. Bridge, intelligent hub and network interface cards are devices which are typically associated with the data link layer.
Q. 5. What is the function of LLC and MAC in Data link layer?
Ans :- (i) LLC (Logical Link Layer) :- it controls, establishes and maintains the link between the communicating devices.
(ii) MAC (Media Access Control) :- it controls how the various devices share the same media channel.
Q. 6. What are the various function of Network layer?
Ans :- Network layer makes the routing decision and forwards the packet devices that further away to the single link. A network layer breaks the large packet into small chunks if the packet is larger than largest data frame. At the receiving end the network reassembles the chunks into packets. Other functions of the network layers are:
(i) Addressing, including logical network addresses and service addresses.
(ii) Circuit message and packet switching.
(iii) Gateway service.
(iv) Connection service.
Q. 7. What are major function of Transistor layer?
Ans :- it provides the standard for communication for enabling the processes to exchange the data reliability in a sequential manner. It provides the interface between communication network and upper three layer.
Q. 8. Define Entity. What are various types of entities?
Ans :- The elements which are active in each layer is called entity. There are two types of entities.
(i) Software Entity
(ii) Hardware entity
Software entity are like a process or function, Hardware entity are like Hardware chips such as an intelligent I/O chip.
Q. 9. What are the various data units which are exchanged during the communication?
Ans :- 1. Service data unit
2. Interface data unit
3. Protocol control information
4. Protocol data unit
5. Interface control information
Q.10. What are the various layers of TCP reference model?
Ans :- 1. Physical layer
2. Network access layer
3. Internet layer
4. Transport layer
5. Application layer
Q. 11. What do you understand by SMTP?
Ans :- SMTP stands for simple mail transfer Protocol and is used for e-mail. The major feature of SMTP is mailing list, returns receipt and forward.
Q.12. Define TELNET?
Ans :- Telnet is terminal emulation Protocol which provides the remote terminal connection services. It also provides remote logon capabilities. Originally it was designed to work with simple scroll mate. There are two modules of Telnet that are :
Q.13. Define Distortion?
Ans :- Distortion means that the signal changes its form or shape. It occures in a composite signal, made of different frequencies. Each signal has its own propagation speed through a medium and therefore its own delay in arriving at the final destination.
Q.14. What are the various types of noises present in the atmosphere which disturbs the signals to reach at the destination?
Ans :- Different types of noises are thermal noises, induced noises, cross talk and impulse noise.
Thermal noise is the random motion of electron in a wire that creates an extra signal not originally sent by the transmitter. Induced noise comes from the source such as motors and appliances. Cross talk is effect of one wire on another. One wire acts as the sending antenna and other as receiving annetenna. Impulse noise is the spike that comes from the power lines, lightning and so on.
Q.15. Define Band width?
Ans :- It is the range of the frequency that the signal occupies. It is determined by finding the difference between highest and lowest frequency component.
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