Disk Management In Operating System

 Disk Management  Disk is a secondary storage device that is used to store data.  The external devices such as hard disk, magnetic disks and floppy disks stores data in the sectors.  These devices provide the data to user programs by means of I/O requests.  Disk Management is an important function of operating system and includes disk buffering and management of swap area and disk cache.  Disk Structure  Disks provide a means to store a large amount of information for modern computer.  A disk is usually divided into tracks, cylinder and sectors.  Below fig shows the various components of a disk system.  Data is stored on a series of magnetic disks called platters. These disks are connected by a common spindle that spins at very high speed (some spindle rotate at speeds of 3600 revolutions per minute).  The two surfaces of a platter are covered with a magnetic material similar to that on a magnetic tape. Information is recorded mag...

Frequently asked questions of computer network


Q. 1. What are the various parameters of measure the performance of the transaction Media? 

Ans :- (i) Propagation Time 

(ii) Through put 

(iii) Propagation speed. 

Q. 2. Define Error? What are the different types of errors? 

Ans :- Whenever an electromagnetic signal flows from one point to another, it is subject to unpredictable interference from heat, magnetism or any other from of electricity. This interference changes the shape and timing of the signal. If the signal is carrying encoded binary data, such changes can alter the meaning of the data. In this way there is error in receiving the data. The errors are of two types :

1. Single bit Error 

2. Brust Error 

1. Single Bit Error :- The single bit error means that only one bit of data unit (such as a byte, character, data unit or packet) is changed from 1 to 0 or from 0 to I. 

2. Burst Error :- The term burst error means that two or more bits in the data unit have changed from 1to 0 or from 0 to 1.

Q. 3.What is Hamming distance? 

Ans :- The distance between the two code word i. e. the number of disagreement between two code words are known as hamming distance. 

Q. 4. What do you understand by error detection? 

Ans :-  During the data Transmission the code word's are used. The words which are received one is not the valid code word, then there is an error. No. Of the errornous bit occur at the receiving is the error detection. The most commonly method used in Network for error detection code is parity check. Parity is of two types. Even parity and odd parity. 

Q. 5. What is Redundancy? 

Ans :- In the error detection mechanism we introduces the concept that every data unit is send twicely. The receiving device would then be able to do a bit - for - bit comparison between the two version of data. But instead of repeating the entire data stream a shorter group of the bits may be appended to the end of each unit. This technique is called redundancy because the extra bit is redundant to the information, They are discarded as soon as the accuracy of transmission has occurred. 

Q. 6. Define CRC?

Ans :- It is the most powerful technique of checking the redundancy. The redundancy bit used by the cyclic redundancy code (CRC) are derived by dividing the data unit by the predetermined divisor :the remainder is CRC. A CRC must have two qualities :

1.  it must have exactly one less bit than the divisor. 

2. It must append it to the end of the data string which values the resulting sequence exactly divisible by the divisor. 

Q. 7. Define Multiplexing. What are the different types of Multiplexing? 

Ans :-  Multiplexing is the simultaneous transmission of multiple frequency division multiplexing (FDM) and Time division multiplexing (TDM). In FDM each signal modulates a different carrier frequency. The modulated carriers are combined to form a new signal that is then sent across the link. In TDM, the digital signal from n devices are interleaved with one another forming a frame of the data (bits, byte or any other data unit). 

Q. 8. Define flow control. What are the different method of flow control? 

Ans :- Flow control is the regulation of the data transmission. So that the receiver buffer does not become overwhelmed by data There are two main methods of flow control 

(i) Stop and wait 

(ii) Sliding window 

In stop and wait flow control, each frame must be acknowledged by the receiver before the next frame can be sent. And in sliding window that expands and contract according to the acknowledgements received by the sender. Likewise the receiving according to the data received. 

Q. 9. What is the purpose of IEEE 802 project? 

Ans :- The purpose of IEEE 's project 802 is to setup the standards so that LAN equipment manufactured by the different companies is compatible. Project 802 divides the data link layer into two Sublayers logical link control (LLC) and medium access control (MAC). The LLC is upper sub - layer and is same for all LANs. Its function include flow and error detection logical addresses, control information and data forms the upper layer are packaged into a packet called Protocol data unit (PDU). MAC sub - layer co-ordinate the data link task within a specific LAN. 

Q. 10. Which type of user needs PPP? What one the various phares of PPP?  

Ans :- The point to point Protocol (PPP) was designed for the user who need to connect to a computer system through a telephone line. A PPP connection goes through various phases : idle, establishing, authenticating, networking and terminating. PPP operates at physical and data link layer of OSI reference model. 


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